Crossbones Garden | London, UK | May 2018
sculptures by Avril Corroon, Richard Ensor, Kate Howard, Alexa Phillips, Aron Rossman-Kiss, and Joseph Steele | performances by Manon Aquilina and Linda Stupart
co-curated by Aubree Penney, Alexa Phillips, and Joseph Steele
Crossbones Garden marks the site where 15,000 people were buried between the 12th Century and 1857. Many of them were sex workers, who were denied consecrated burial despite sex work being legal and licensed by the Bishop of Winchester. Outside connects Crossbones’ history to issues faced by contemporary sex workers.
The six newly commissioned sculptures were installed throughout the garden and were each produced in response to a one-hour conversation with a London-based sex worker.
Generously made possible by Bankside Open Spaces Trust, Crossbones Garden, the Friends of Crossbones, Goldsmiths MFA Curating, and Goldsmiths Alumni and Friends Fund.
Installation and private view photos courtesy of Sam Greer. Photos of Stupart’s performance courtesy of Alexa Phillips.